The last thing on your mind is most likely web site hosting, it just not something you need to think about or deal with on a daily basis. But when it comes down to it the company that is your technology partner online can offer a lot more than just making your website work. Knowing what you need and what kind of service you want will take the guess work out of making an informed decision.
The biggest question you want to ask is how seriously does your hosting provider take their hosting business? And by serious I don't mean how big and corporate do they look. Some of the slowest and most non-responsive providers can also be the biggest and cheapest, isn't that usually how it works? Not all big companies are bad and not all small companies are good. Ask some questions and dig to see who manages the actual hosting operation? Does the company own their own equipment? Do they offer a solution to suit your needs and grow with your business? Will they be your technical support advocate or will you need to know what FTP, IIS and DNS means?
Choosing a hosting provider is a lot like choosing any other service professional. You need to be comfortable with your choice, know that the company you choose can suit your needs and by golly you might as well like who you are dealing with, right?
If you have any questions about website hosting or are curious as to a specific technical term or function just ask! We'll be happy to answer any of your questions at