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Magical Productions writes and publishes articles on web marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, PPC campaigns and many other topics for businesses and individuals who want to learn about web marketing.

Web Site Helps Valencia Non-Profit Organization
Dissatisfied with the dwindling arts curriculum in schools across the country, a young Valencia filmmaker and mother set out to make a difference. Using her film company, Kudiville, as a springboard, Kimberly Sanders started Filmmakers and Entertainers Helping Enhance School Arts (FEHESA).

FEHESA helps preserve and promote arts in the schools. The organization works with school districts throughout the country to identify schools in need of assistance. After specific program needs are determined, FEHESA provides supplies, equipment and instruments directly to each school. Offerings include musical instruments, art supplies, dance equipment, costuming and props – all purchased by or donated to FEHESA.

To help generate awareness of the organization and assist in its fundraising efforts, Kimberly made developing a Web site a priority. She chose Valencia-based Magical Productions as her Web site design and development partner.

“A Web site serves as a vessel to gain membership growth and awareness for our cause,” Kimberly said, and added,” We found that many people wanted to join FEHESA via the web and that is the most important thing to me.”

Kimberly realized that people expect to be able to access information and conduct personal and professional business through the Internet. “People today want quick and convenient,” she said.

When people visit FEHESA’s Web site, they’re greeted by an inviting, informative home page, and then can access more information about the organization’s mission on the “About Us” page. Background on FEHESA’s leaders is found on the “Staff” page, and other pages provide essential contact and membership information. At the “News and Events” page, people can be updated on the latest fundraising activities and reports.

All the information is contained on just a few key pages in an easily accessed, well-designed format. People can navigate the entire site in a matter of minutes. Then, they can revisit the Web site later to get the latest news about the organization and its efforts. FEHESA’s Web site serves as an ongoing connection to its members and prospective members. It’s an effective marketing tool, but also an important relationship vehicle.

“We believe it’s important to communicate information about how we strive to provide a balance of creative and intellectual academia,” Kimberly said. “Offering the arts in schools is important because creative stimulus helps provide a well-rounded education, which in turn creates well-rounded children – our leaders of tomorrow.”

You can visit FEHESA online at
Previous Articles:
  • Website Hosting & Me (August, 2010)
  • Good, quick and cheap... pick two, no more. (December, 2008)
  • Want a website someone else is using? The Benefits of Custom Websites. (September, 2008)
  • Selling Online - The Advantages of Custom Shopping Carts (August, 2007)
  • Selling Online - Your E-Commerce Options (July, 2007)
  • Web Site Helps Valencia Non-Profit Organization (June, 2007)
  • The Key to Web Site Success: Content, Content, Content! (May, 2007)
  • Search Engine Marketing: You Gotta Pay to Play (April, 2007)
  • SEO You Want To Be On Top (March, 2007)
  • I Have a Website, Now What? Web Marketing is the Answer. (February, 2007)
  • Can Your Business Afford It’s Own Website? (November, 2006)
  • Small Business Websites: Your Customers are Online…Where Are You? (October, 2006)