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Magical Productions writes and publishes articles on web marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, PPC campaigns and many other topics for businesses and individuals who want to learn about web marketing.

The Key To Web Site Success: Content, Content, Content!
What’s the difference between just having a web site and providing a valuable online resource for your business?

You’ve heard it said that real estate is all about “Location, Location, Location”. Well, the number one key to every successful website is “Content, Content, Content”.

A web site is all about what you say and how you say it. Interesting information that is organized and presented clearly and succinctly is the key to a truly effective web site. When you combine excellent content with the best online delivery method, then you have a winning one-two punch.

The following are answers to questions about web sites often asked by our clients:

What kind of content do I need?
Of course, we can’t tell you the exact specifics of your content, but we can tell you the formula for whatever information you want to be delivered. When deciding which what to put on your website, ask yourself what your potential customer would want to know about your business. This will help you communicate in a way that addresses your customers’ needs rather than simply promoting your company. As you write, keep asking yourself, “What does my business do for my customers?”

How should I present my information?
Once you know what to present, you need to figure out the best way to present it. The most important guideline is to keep your website personable and relatable to your customers. You need to provide a friendly accessibility that makes your potential customer feel comfortable and confident about your company. For example, let’s say you’re in the plumbing business. Instead of simply providing a “laundry list” of services on your site, why not create a warm, inviting video featuring your company? This personal touch will create a positive impression on your potential customer and give you an edge over the competition.

What if I need extra help?
If writing the content for your website seems daunting, or if you just can’t fit the task into your daily workload, don’t hesitate to ask for copywriting assistance. If you’ve written your first draft but feel your copy would benefit from a good pair of editing eyes, a full-service web site company can help. Magical Productions offers professional copywriting and editing services to all our clients for easy and cost-effective one-stop shopping.

Magical Productions is your local source for web site design, development and copywriting. You can find them online at Contact via email at or phone at 661-977-9509.
Previous Articles:
  • Website Hosting & Me (August, 2010)
  • Good, quick and cheap... pick two, no more. (December, 2008)
  • Want a website someone else is using? The Benefits of Custom Websites. (September, 2008)
  • Selling Online - The Advantages of Custom Shopping Carts (August, 2007)
  • Selling Online - Your E-Commerce Options (July, 2007)
  • Web Site Helps Valencia Non-Profit Organization (June, 2007)
  • The Key to Web Site Success: Content, Content, Content! (May, 2007)
  • Search Engine Marketing: You Gotta Pay to Play (April, 2007)
  • SEO You Want To Be On Top (March, 2007)
  • I Have a Website, Now What? Web Marketing is the Answer. (February, 2007)
  • Can Your Business Afford It’s Own Website? (November, 2006)
  • Small Business Websites: Your Customers are Online…Where Are You? (October, 2006)